Working in Silence

Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles.  Proverbs 21:23  Warning: a lot of I’s and my’s Every person’s life is, in a way, a journey of...

Working in France

Today I complete 2 continuous years of being in France as a researcher/student. I first came to France in 2015 to do a semester in the University of Strasbourg as...

Energy levels.

This post is from an old draft. Last year this time was the most crucial time of my academic career. I had started my master thesis and had to write...

Fix ssh timeout

If the SSH server you are connecting to has a timeout set in its configuration, it normally disconnects you after some time of inactivity to free up its resources. Adding...

Mendeley chrome importer issue [solved]

I started using Mendeley as my default bibliography manager from early 2017. Recently I came across this web importer tool from Mendeley, that can be added to chrome to directly...

Was in India for some time

Yes, so after two consecutive years in Europe, I went back to my hometown to spend some time with my parents. I did not meet my sister this time though....

Polymer Science

Introduction to Polymers From the chemical side From the physical side, George Phillies on Polymer Dynamics Books on Polymer Physics Theory of polymer dynamics (course notes) Polymer solutions Polymer physics...

I’ll do a PhD.

March 11 2017: I’m ​thinking of asking my supervisor to let me do a PhD under his supervision. I’ve already had some sort of discussion with my group head regarding...


Thesis Template [RevTeX] [Journal Format] [Two Column] If you are in the scientific community you might’ve already heard about RevTeX. This is basically a package made by APS, which can...