Mendeley chrome importer issue [solved]

I started using Mendeley as my default bibliography manager from early 2017. Recently I came across this web importer tool from Mendeley, that can be added to chrome to directly  import papers to Mendeley. But everytime I try to sign in to this extension, the app refreshes and gives me another sign in request, and it goes on in a loop. This error is kind of common with most users of this web importer (can be seen in user reviews of this extension).

So there’s a workaround to get this fixed. You just have to make sure that chrome is able to accept cookies from Mendeley to store your credentials.

To check/do this, open chrome and go to this address:


Now search for “privacy”. Click on “content settings”, and under “cookies” click on “manage exceptions”. Add these to the list of accepted cookies:


Now click “done”, and restart your browser.

This time around your browser should be able to login to Mendeley via the Web Importer extension.

At least that worked for me. Hope it does for you.